CONTENTS FOREWORD Historical Sites , Cemeteries , Arab Villages , Vegetation and Agriculture The Landscape of Jerusalem Outside the Walls Prior to Modern Construction : CHAPTER ONE Structures 87 The Pre-modern Landscape Outside the Walls : Vegetation , Agriculture and Arab The Arab Villages in the Vicinity 68 Hinnom Valley 42 Cemeteries and Historical Sites on the Mount of Olives , in the Kid ran Valley and in the Historical Sites on Mount Zion , on the West and on the North . 15 to 1882 Constructi on , Pioneer Jewish Neighbourhoods and the City in General up The Initial Growth of New Jerusalem : The First Building Projects , Road CHAPTER TWO General Development of the City up to the Early 1 880 s 170 The Pioneer Jewish Neighbourhoods Outside the Walls up to the First 'Aliyah' ( 1882 ) of the Railroad to Jerusalem ( 1892 ) 120 Initial Development of Roads , Transportation and Postal Facilities up to the Opening Settlers , 'Schneller ' , "The Russian Compound' and 'Mishkenot Sha ' ananim' 93 The Initial Buddings : The First Houses , 'Kerem Avraham ' , 'Artas' , American Public Institutions The Construction of Jewish Jerusalem Outside the Walls : Neighbourhoods and CHAPTER THREE and Modern Education 327 Establishment of Jewish Public Institutions Outside the Walls : Health , Charity Continued Construction up to the First World War 286 Seven Years of Construction : 1891-1897 240 The Neighbourhoods of the 1 880 s 209