פרסומים נבחרים של שלמה דשן

409 חכמה לשלמה . Political ethnicity and cultural ethnicity in Israel during the 1960 s" " . 1974 ,— Urban ethnicity, ASAMonograph 12 : 281 - 309 . Ritualization of Literacy : the Works of Tunisian Scholars in Israel " . 1975 ,— American Ethnologist 2 ( 2 ) : 251 - 259 . . " 1 Signs and Symbols in Israeli Electioneering" . pp . 287 - 299, in The " . 1976 ,— Realm of the Extra - Human : Ideas and Actions, edited by A . Bharati . The Hague : Mouton . "Two Types of Israeli Orthodoxy" . Judaism 27 : 397 - 409 . . 1976 ,— Ethnic boundaries and cultural paradigms : the case of southern " . 1976 ,— Tunisian immigrants in Israel" . Ethos 4 ( 3 ) : 271 - 294 . Jarvie, Ian C . , Myron J . Aronoff, Joseph William Bastien, K . O . L . Burridge, Shlomo Deshen, Lee Drummond, F . Allan Hanson, Carole E . Hill, Roger Joseph, Edmund Leach, Arthur G . Miller, C . Patrick Morris, S . Nagata, Renato Rosaldo, W . G . Studdert - Kennedy and Roy Willis . 1976 . "On the Limits of Symbolic Interpretation in An...  אל הספר