? SOF HORA’AH, THE END OF TEACHING — TEACHING WHAT * 320 of that edifice — the concise, Amoraic legal dicta called memrot or oqimtot — ceased to be produced as such . Inasmuch as these rulings are the result of disputation, but are presented in terse, official, and finalized formulation, we shall refer to them as apodictic statements . From sof hora’ah ( understood as the end of apodictic, Amoraic rulings ) until the actual close of the essential Talmudic corpus, there intervened a formative period . During that time, the officially codified material of the Amoraim, as well as the less formal legacy of the Amoraic epoch, was studied, queried, developed and interconnected, and finally crafted into the finished, stylized pericopae of Talmudic exposition and disputation — the familiar sugyot — which comprise our Gemara . These sugyot, after this formative redaction, differed substantively from those we find today only in the absence of certain self - contained supplementary additions that...
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