ON THE TERM KETER AS ATITLE FOR BIBLES * 260 codex of the Hebrew Bible written with such exceptional accuracy and care that it could serve as a model book for scribes writing a Torah scroll or codex . But what is the origin of this term as an appellation, and how did it come to be applied to these codices in particular ? To the best of my knowledge, this question has not been examined seriously in scholarly literature . The single writer I discovered who addressed the topic explicitly is Amnon Shamosh, in his semi - popular history of Keter . Aram . Ẓova , where he suggests — albeit without evidence — that the term keter was invented in order to distinguish a deluxe biblical codex or scroll from a muṣḥaf . — the Arabic term for a codex — which was also used to designate a volume with all twenty - In other words, the term muṣḥaf . four books of the Hebrew Bible . 3 designated ordinary biblical codices, while the term keter was coined Other colleagues I haveto designate a new type of Heb...
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