AN EARLYDECORATED BOOK OF GENESIS * 146 before and after the reading of the haftarah, the text of the haftarot, as well as the readings for three special Sabbaths that may occur within the period in which the book of Genesis is read : the Sabbath coinciding with Rosh Ḥodesh, and the first and second Sabbath of Hanukkah . 2 Hitherto unknown, the Morgan Genesis is an important addition to Meshullam Zimmel’s known body of work . Its 1715 / 16 date places it among his earliest works, while its large size and content are unique occurrences in the scribe’s oeuvre . Colophon The decorated Morgan Genesis includes an unusually lavish colophon fol . 115 v ) , arguably the manuscript’s most salient feature ( fig . 1 ) . 3 ( that ברוך The colophon is placed within the letters of the initial word marks the beginning of the blessing recited before the haftarah reading . Penned in brown ink, each letter of the initial word is set in a framed and decorated panel . The words that identify the scribe ap...
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