THE MESSIANIC RHETORIC OF SIMAN ṬOVMELAMMED * 134 often with colloquial spellings and endings, and also including Hebrew words, especially in religious texts . It has the distinction of being the first vehicle for writing New Persian and appears as inscriptions on tombs not far from Jām ( Afghanistan ) beginning in the middle of the eighth to the middle of the thirteenth centuries . 4 While Judeo - Persian manuscripts also go as far back as the middle texts in the stricter literary ( belles lettres ) sense, of the eighth century, 5 seem to have appeared only in the fourteenth century, although it is impossible to discount earlier traces entirely . The works of the poet known only by his pen name, Shāhīn - i Shīrāzī ( Persian, The Falcon of Shiraz ) , which consist of classical Persian narrative epic verse settings of major narratives from the Pentateuch, and the books of Esther, Ezra, flourished in the fourteenth century . Thus the “father” and Nehemiah, 6 of Judeo - Persian literature...
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