דב זלוטניק ז"ל 312 3 נראה כי אין ספק שבתקופת הרומאים חששו הגויים לטומאת ראייה . ממכתבי יוליאנוס הקיסר החליט להחזיר את המנהג העתיק של קבורת המת בלילה בלבד, ולא ביום, והוא אף ביקש לקבוע זאת בחוק, ואלו דבריו : It was my duty… to restore the ancient custom which I have now decided to confirm by a law . For… the men of old, who made wise laws, believed that there is the greatest possible difference between life and death and thought that each of these two states has customs and practices peculiarly appropriate to it… burials of the dead should be performed at night… we ought to forbid anything of the sort to go on by day… the streets are full of men going to the lawcourts… to or from the market… visiting the temples… And… persons… having laid a corpse on the bier, push their way into the midst of those who are busy about such matters . This… is… intolerable . For those who meet the funeral are often filled with disgust, some regard it as an evil omen… for others who are on the way to temple...
אל הספר