Mi dr a s h a nd Ag gad a h Yaakov Blidstein Like Three Sons : Sages vs . Romans 249 Marc Bregman Midrash as Visualization in the Legends of the Aqedah 261 Chaim Milikowsky Transmission and Editing in Leviticus Rabba and Genesis Rabba : Studies in a Complex Proem ( Lev . Rabba 27,1 ; Gen . Rabba 33,1 ) 279 Pr a yer a nd Lit ur gica l Po e t r y Uri Ehrlich The Language of the Prayer Book : Hebrew, Aramaic and Other Languages 297 Meir Bar - Ilan "If He Took Us Out of Egypt… It Would Have Been Enough" 305 Moshe Hallamish Towards the Correct Form of the Word hšltn 333 Cus to m an d Ex e gesis Yosef Rivlin A Study of the Characteristics of the Esoteric Commentary by the Vilna Gaon on the Book of Esther according to Ms . Moscow - Ginzburg 349 Meir Rafeld Noam ve - Hovlim : On Terminology and Style in Some Halakhic Rulings from Sixteenth - Century Poland and Their Dissemination 367 Yaakov Shmuel Spiegel Homilies on the Names of Foods as a Source for Several Passover Customs 391 Eng l is h Se...
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