CHAPTER FOUR First World War The Development of Non-Jewish Jerusalem Outside the Walls up to the Possibilities of Land Purchase Outside the Walls 472 The Moslem Community , Ottoman Rule , the Activities of the City Council and Visit 431 British Activities , German Construction , Street of the Prophets , the Imperial German Jaffa Road 402 Increased Russian Activities and Pilgrimage ; The Activities of the Other Eastern Churches ; Italy 371 The American-Swedish Colony ; French Activities ; The Catholic Orders ; Austria and CHAPTER FIVE The Economic and Cultural Development of New Jerusalem Cultural Life 572 The Penetration of Modern Jewish Education and the Development of Jewish Changes in the Economic Status and in the Occupation of the Jews of Jerusalem 535 and Hotels 503 The Penetration of Modernization : The Railroad , Roads , Post , Banking , Tourism SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS New Jerusalem — A Jewish City 623 A New City on the Fringes of an Ancient One 622 City of Neighbourhoods and Ethnic Groups 616 A Growing and Developing City 613 EPILOGUE 629 SOURCES AND BIBLIOGRAPHY 633 INDICES 660