רשימת הקיצורים יג Bulletin de l’Institut français d’archéologie orientale BIFAO Bibliotheca OrientalisBiOr Brown Judaic StudiesBJS Bibliotheca MesopotamicaBM Bibliothèque nationale de ParisBN Biblioteca del Próximo Oriente AntiguoBPOA Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies BSOAS Beihefte zur Zeitschrift für die alttestamentliche Wissenschaft BZAW The Assyrian Dictionary of the Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago, I – XXI, Chicago 2006 – 1956 CAD Cambridge Bible CommentaryCBC Catholic Biblical QuarterlyCBQ Catholic Biblical Quarterly Monograph SeriesCBQMS Continental CommentariesCC Corpus der hurritischen SprachdenkmalerChS The Hittite Dictionary of the Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago, Chicago 1980 – CHD Culture and History of the Ancient Near EastCHANE Cuneiform MonographsCM Coniectanea biblica : Old Testament SeriesConBOT Classical Quarterly ( N . S . ) CQ Cuneiform Texts from Babylonian Tablets in the British Museum CT E . Laroche, Catalogue des textes Hittites, Paris 1971 with supplements in RHA 30 [ 1972 ] , pp . 94 – 133 = ( CTH Sup . , and RHA 33 [ 1973 ] , pp . 68 – 71 ) CTH A . R . George, The Canonical Temple List ( no . 1 ) in : idem, House Most High : The Temples of Ancient Mesopotamia, Winona Lake 1993 CTL Cornell University Studies in Assyriology and Sumerology ( Bethesda, MD 2007 ff . ) CUSAS K . van der Toorn et al . ( eds . ) , Dictionary of Deities and Demons in the Bible 2 , Grand Rapids, MI 1999 DDD Documents de fouilles de l’Institut français d’archéologie orientale du Caire DEIFAO