294 גלי דינור The Interpreter's BibleIB International Critical CommentaryICC The Interpreter's Dictionary of the BibleIDB Israel Exploration JournalIEJ Journal of the Ancient New Eastern Society JANES Journal of the American Oriental SocietyJAOS Journal of Biblical LiteratureJBL Journal of Jewish StudiesJJS Jewish Quarterly ReviewJQR Journal for Testament SupplementJSOTS Journal of Theological StudiesJThS L . Koehler and W . Baumgarther, Lexicon in Veretis Testaamenti Libros KBL Kurzefasstes exegetisches Handbuch zum Alten Testament KehAT Kurzer Handcommentar zum Alten TestamenKH Kurzer Hand commentar zum Alten Testame KHA Old Testament Library OTL Old Testament StudiesOTS Palestine Exploration QuarterlyPEQ New Century Bible Commentaty NCBC Revue BibliqueRB Society of Biblical LiteratureSBL Supplement, to Vetus TestamentumSVT Torch Bible CommentariesTBC Theological Dictionary of the Old TestamentTDOT Theologisches Wörterbuch zum Alten Testament ThWAT Theologische Zeitschrifr, Base l TZ...
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