ציונה גרוסמרק 378 operibus eius se obligantes , simul merguntur cum illo in gehennam ignis ardentis : ita astutia eius ) Anonymous , Physiologus Latinus versio B, retrived : November , 2007 ( . Physiologus spoke of a certain whale in the sea called aspidoceleon that is exceedingly large like an island , heavier than sand , and is a figure of the devil . Ignorant sailors tie their ships to the beast as to an island and plant their anchors and stakes in it . They light their cooking fires on the whale but , when he feels the heat , he urinates and plunges into the depth , sinking all the ships . You also , if you fix and bind yourself to the hope of the devil , he will plunge you along with himself into the hell ‑‑ fire ) Physiologus , M . Curley trans . , University of Texas Press , 45 - 46 ( .
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