ABSTRACTS viii an immigrant society, in which many experience alienation and loneliness . Finally, the relationships among ‘intimate neighbors’ were simultaneously a personal experience and a public - national issue, especially in the 1940 s when it became a widespread phenomenon and conflicts between neighbors escalated . Keywords : British Mandate Palestine, everyday life, home, ‘intimate neighborly relations’, urban history ABSTRACTS vii Shadow Plans for Beer Sheva, 1947 - 1949 Hadas Shadar and Eli Maslovski The development of Jewish Beer Sheva was viewed as the building of a new city, since it was to be manyfold larger than the original Arabic Beer Sheva . The plan for the development of Jewish Beer Sheva was part of the ‘Sharon Plan’, a master plan for the State of Israel published in 1951 . However, beyond this official plan, there were several other plans for the city which were eventually relegated to the archive : two plans for a Jewish neighborhood alongside the existing Arab...
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