8 רחל גלבוע . CA . – ( Current Anthropology ) , Chicago JANES - ( Journal of Ancient Near East Society of Columbia University ) , New York . JBL - ( Journal of Biblical Literature ) , Chico, CA . JETS - ( Journal of the Evangelical Theological Seminary ) , San Diego, CA . JNSL - ( Journal of Northwest Semitic Languages ) , University of Stellanbosch, South Africa . JQR - ( Jewish Quarterly Review ) , Merion Station, PA . JSOT - ( Journal for the Study of the Old Testament ) , Sheffield, U . K . JSS - ( Journal of Semitic Studies ) , Manchester, U . K . JTS - ( Journal of Theological Studies ) , Oxford, U . K . Leshonenu - ( Leshonenu La'am ) , Jerusalem . LB - ( Linguistica Biblica ) , Bonn, Germany . NTT - ( Nederlands Theologisch Tijdscrift ) , Wageningen, Nederlands . OTA - Old Testament Abstracts, Washington D . C . Prooftexts - ( AJournal of Jewish Literary History ) , Baltimore . Religion - London . Scripture - Scripture Bulletin . Semeia - Chico, CA . Shnaton - ( Shnaton Lemikra...
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