89 The u npred ict abl e co ndi ti on s tha t are continuously developing on the actual site, create openings for new things . The order according to which the planning decisions are taken on the site is determined by the hierarchical order in which the planning patterns appear on my list governed by the rules - the syntax of the pattern language itself . And like in the spoken language where the order of the words is what gives the sentence its meaning, the meaning of the plans is generated by the order in which the patterns are applied . Decisions are first made on issues that affect the larger scale we have to confront at any given moment along the development of the plan, moving to other decisions generated from them . larger whole existing which I had to relate to at that moment . First I had to make a decision about the location of the main "gate" to my site, the threshold connecting my site and the square as a whole . This was a critical decision and not an obvious one when keep...
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