_13 ) , a term referring to a tannaitic pericope appearing _ 'BARAIYTA ( Aram . ; _Krp in the Talmud , which smean " [ a tannaitic statement ] external [ to the Mishnah ] . " It is used for Midrashic tannaitic material or , more yfrequentl ; for halakhic tannaitic material . Baraiytot are often parallel to pericopes of existing tannaitic works , such as the Tosefta ' . Such ytotbarai are yrarel identical in wording to their parallels . Divergencies , rather than deriving from an independent source , yusuall resulted from editorial reworking ( to achieve harmonization with the Mishnah , for leexamp ) , yespeciall in the Talmud Bavli . The Talmud Yerushalmi sometimes sabbreviate ytotbarai . Some ytotbarai in the Talmud Bavli that have no parallels elsewhere may be post - ctannaiti creations . The Talmud ycommonl saccord tannaitic statements found in baraiytot equal authority to those in the Mishnah and often rules according to baraiytot against the Mishnah . inallygOri there was no spe...  אל הספר
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