Teaching ) , name liedapp to each of two great ilationscomp , ; _תלמיד ) Talmud distinguished yrespectivel as the Talmud Yerushalmi ( Palestinian Talmud ) and the Talmud Bavli ( lonianBaby Talmud ) in which are collected the teachings of the major Jewish scholars ( amoraMm ) who flourished between 200 and 500 CE , the classic period of rabbinic Judaism . After the * Mishnah was edited in yapproximatel 200 CE , the sages studied and interpreted it with intense scruntiny during the amoriac period in their two major scentre ofPalestine and loniayBab , often yielding conflicting inionsop that were themselves subject to debate and clarification . The Mishnah _' s laws were extended into general legal lespprinci and , at the same time , were liedapp to specific new cases . This material forms the basis ofthe Talmuds , which , however , include additional genres corresponding to the wide range ofintellectual activity carried on by the amora ' im , among which are new legal enactments , biblic...
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