Revital Refael-Vivante Ma ‘ ase Behenef ( A Tale of a Hypocrite ) : Origins , Influences and Paths of a Story from Spain to the Balkans 325 Ester Lapon-Kandelshein and Shifra Baruchson Arbib Ladino Press in Eretz-Israel : From Bak to Azriel ( 1843–1923 ) 351 Alisa Meyuhas Ginio Tia Flor’s Reading List 389 Nivi Gomel and Shmuel Refael The Instruction of Ladino in Israeli Universities : Motivations , Approaches , Means and Goals 419 Hebrew Poetry in Spain and Its Influences ( English Section ) Norman Roth The Early Origins of the Maqamah : The Hebrew Novella in Medieval Spain to the Early Thirteenth Century 9 * Judit Targarona Borras and Tirza Vardi Solomon ben Meshullam de Piera – Unpublished Poem for the Year 1391 37 * Angel Saenz-Badillos Realistic Trends in Bonafed’s Poetry 79 * Ariel Toaff An Embarrassing Literature : Women’s Ritual Laws in Yiddish and the Vernacular 97 * Yossef Tobi Preliminary Study in hilyat al-Muhazara by Ab ‘ Al Muhammad al-hatim : The ‘ Lost ’ Source of Mose I...
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