the installations are interactive , demanding visitors to physically penetrate the art work . still cannot help but wonder : Should one believe that the intention is indeed to bring Western art to the East ? Is it mere economic business ? Does Islam want to rule the West in this field as well ? Perhaps my skepticism is entirely unjust , and everything is underlain by good , pure intentions an attempt for union and coexistence between East and West , a vision to be implemented by border-crossing art . Perhaps the emirs' dream will come true together with Isaiah's : " and the wolf shall dwell with the lamb , " and thus we will be able to view , enjoy , and purchase art in one of ( UAE ) , Yuri Avvakumov ( Russia ) , Greg Lynn and Hani Rashid ( USA ) , David Adjaye ( UK ) , Pei-Zhu ( China ) , and Seung H-Sang ( Korea ) . In order to complete the vision of a hub of contemporary art , the UAE leaders' long-term aspiration is a campus of art schools to be dedicated to art , architecture , music , and drama . Special attention will be given to development of education programs for youth that will draw students not only from the Gulf area , but from the world over ( one can imagine that such a project will be allotted grants that will be hard to turn down ) . These days ( March 2007 ) the Gulf Art Fair has been launched with the intention of establishing Dubai as a focal point for contemporary art in the Middle East . The organizers believe that it will be a seminal event . Among Fair participants are fifty prominent international art dealers , as well as two renowned galleries : the London-based Lisson Gallery and the New York-based Pace Wildenstein Gallery . In addition to the Fair's commercial facet , celebrated artists were also invited to mount a series of new largescale installations on the theme of "Light and Language" - two powerful communication forces , and were provided a generous budget courtesy of the organizers . Many of I a in the most surprising spots in the world . ? DIFC Gulf Art Fair , Dubai , 8-10 March 2007 ( photographs courtesy of http : // www . harms-