kits for students in geology ; miniature pianos for music students . The personal computer and video-disc will most likely be added to this media-mix in the not too distant future . There are about thirty-five study centres , where students obtain guidance from tutors . In 1976 , E . U . offered its first five academic courses . By 1984 , the total number of courses was 190 , of which 130 were academic courses . The number of courses increases at the rate of about ten per annum . The number of E . U . student registrations in 1983 / 84 spread over two terms was about 23 , 000 . The direct student-related cost- Ii . e ., operating the study centres , tutors , examinations , term tests , but not including the cost of developing the courses ) comes to about $ 4 . 079 million per annum , at 1983 prices . If we divide this figure by 23 , OOO-the number of student registrations during the year we arrive at a student-related cost of $ 177 . 35 per student per course . Six courses at E . U . are the equivalent of one year's study at a conventional university . The student-related cost at E . U . per student for six courses would be $ 177 . 35 x 6 , or $ 1 , 064 . 10 . In 1978 , the World Bank sent a team of experts to Israel to investigate the cost of studies . They reported that the operational costs per student at the conventional universities were likely to be substantially higher than those at E . U . The lower cost at E . U . is due , partly , to the fact that E . U . has less need for full-time faculty . There are about 25 faculty members at E . U . who are engaged on a contract basis from among the academics of the conventional universities . In addition , about 350 tutors work part time at the study centres . The average ratio of student to faculty at the conventional universities is , at present , 11 . 5 to 1 . At E . U ., the ratio is about 35 to 1 . .-The academic courses are prepared by teams of experts drawn Alternative Routes to Founal Education , a World Bank Research Publication ( Baltimore : Johns Hopkins Univ . Press , 19821 , 21 Sff . E . U . only offers courses leading to the Bachelor's degree , while the conventional universities also provide higher degrees , M . A . 's and Ph . D . 's . The more individualized interaction between faculty and post-graduates contributes to the lower ratio at the conventional universities .
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