One might ask whether individualized , guided self-study could not become the basic learning method for many of the students . Several questions arise from this . Might there not be students who are incapable of guided selfstudy ? The universities would like their students to be capable of independent work . If they have not acquired the art of self-study in earlier years , they are not likely to be proficient at it when they enter university . On the other hand , if the students have gone through the learning system during their school years , they should be capable of self-study . If they are not , I do not think that they should be at a university . Would guided self-study be applied to all subjects ? All subjects would require a synthesis between guided self-study , conventional presentation by the university faculty and discussion , debate and dialogue . In the humanistic subjects , however , greater emphasis might have to be placed on presentation , debate and discussion . Up to what level could guided self-study be introduced ? It is impossible to foretell the developments . I envisage that one would begin with several subjects in the first year of studies and extend them gradually up to the Bachelor's degree , to cover all the subjects that lend themselves to guided self-study . Guided university self-studies operate successfully in various countries England , West GeImany , the United States , China , South Africa , Israel and others . The Open University of Israel known as Everyman's University was set up in 1974 . It provides guided self-study university courses for anyone who wishes to leam , without requiring any entrance qualifications . Everyman's University thereby makes university studies accessible to all . Each course at Everyman's University requires , on an average , four months of study . There are periodiC tests and , at the end of each teIm , there is an examination on the course . A pass earns the student one credit ; eighteen credits are required for the B . A . degree . The learning material consists of a media-mix which includes : textbooks , specially written for the self-learner ; radio and television presentations ; home laboratories for science students ; home
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