Status and pay The suggested grading of teachers into master educators educa-, tors , assistants and youth leaders and the requirement of higher qualifications might well create a new image of the profession . This should be strengthened through paying an adequate salary . For the master educators it should approximate the pay of junior lecturers at the universities . The universities find it increasingly difficult to recruit academic staff of high calibre in technology , law and management . The learning system would experience even greater difficulties to compete for qualified staff with trade and industry in subjects like the natural sciences , mathematics and technology . One possible way to deal with this would be a Salary Equalization Fund imposed on trade and industry . They might be required to contribute a percentage of their payroll to a Salary Equalization Fund which would help to bring the educators' salaries to accept able levels . The rationale of this thought would be that , without well qualified educators , it would not be long before the sources of capable staff for trade and industry would dry up . Higher qualifications and adequate pay would by themselves raise the status of the educating profession . Another step would be the award of prestigious prizes . At present , large numbers of prizes are awarded , but almost exclusively to scientists , humanists , art ists and technologists . Here again , educators are not admitted to the front rank of society , where they belong . of junior lecturers at a university . For this reason I hope that Ph . D . ' s in a learning system would not find their promotion blocked . My expectation is that there would be a fair chance for them of upward mobility into the universities . Equally , I would hope that there would also be mobility from the universities to the learning system . Even if this is unthinkable today , it was not uncommon in Europe a generation or two ago and we might profit from a return to earlier ways . Could we not move in that direction through university faculty regularly visiting secondary schools to talk about the debate subjects that will widen horizons ?
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