Learning to learn Experience with individualized learning has shown that the motivation of the pupils and the educators is high , absenteeism is low ; the children acquire , at an early age , the skills of self-learning ; they develop an intellectual curiosity and a will to improve their thinking . At the same time , we lay the foundation for life-long learning . In short , it is a way of learning to learn . Here we have come to the heart of the learning system . It is not simply another attempt at reforming or modernizing the school system . The learning system is different in concept and in practice and should , in due time , replace the school system . It must , like any system of education , help the pupils at school and the students at university to acquire knowledge and to do so more efficiently , but its essence lies in training them how to deal with the information explosion of our time , how to think , how to analyse , how to retrieve information and how to use it in solving problems . They must learn to listen , to concentrate , to interpret and to de- ever age and in whatever subject proceeds along a uniform pattern . There is a great deal of diversity as it is recognized that children of different ages and stages may have to be treated in different ways . The younger may perhaps need more socialization and more individual guidance from their educators ; special problems may arise for children , teenagers and university students . I would expect that , as more experience is gained , more differentiations and adaptations will be evolved within individualized learning . This method will also call for a certam flexibility regarding the subjects to be learned . Individualized learning might lend itself better to subjects like arithmetic , mathematics , the natural sciences , languages and reading comprehension . It might conceivably be less appropriate for humanistic subjects like history , literature and the Bible . It might well be that for the latter subjects , one would have to devise a combination of individualized learning , conventional presentation by the educator and group discussions , debates and dialogues .
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