Instructional television is provided by the Instructional TV Centre . The pupils , quite spontaneously , form small learning groups and proceed with their work as directed by the educators or by their learning guides . They will read given passages in the study guides or the standard textbooks . At other times , they will use one or another of the technological aids , as directed in the study guides or by their own choice . They will complete assignments and , at a given moment , submit their written work to the educators . Whenever pupils encounter difficulties , they call for guidance from their educator . The educators will , at regular intervals , give introductory talks to the whole class or to a small group or provide individual tutorials to the learners and encourage discussion and debate among the pupils . One of the essentials in any education system is the encounter of the educator with the pupils . In the conventional school system , so much of the teachers' time is taken up with presenting information , with routine exercises and administrative chores that , it has been estimated , no more than a few minutes per week on average could be devoted by the teacher to any individual pupil . Individualized learning frees the educators from much of the conventional work and makes possible a close personal interaction between educator and pupil . Individualized learning can lead to significant educational changes only if it is operated as a total system which calls for the training of the principals and the educators , the establishment of suitable curricula , the development of the learning material , the provision of the equipment , the cooperation of the parents and , of course , the pupils . In the school system , an entire class of thirty to forty pupils pursues the same educational objectives , with some of the pupils racing ahead and some dropping out . In individualized learning , they all proceed at their own level and at their own pace . The less-gifted and the slower learners will need more time to reach their objective , but they will not suffer the stigma of failure in the accepted sense of the term . Individualized learning does not mean that every child of what-
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