INDIVIDUALIZED LEARNING In Israel , as in the rest of the Western world , there is a strong social pressure for equalizing educational opportunities . Educational groups . In other words , we appear to be moving away from the school system towards a learning system . The essence of all education lies in learning . One cannot ram knowledge and understanding into a human brain as one rams nails into wooden boards . The teacher whom I will now call the "educator" can lead the students to the sources of knowledge , aid them in analyzing and understanding complex problems and inspire them to ever greater intellectual and moral achievements , but the learning must be done by the students themselves . The way in which we think has not yet , even after Piaget , been fully explored . Continuous research will be needed so that we might come nearer an understanding of the thought processes . Prof . Seymour Papert of MIT has predicted that the school system as we know it today will cease to exist by the next century . He did not intimate how he saw the workings of a new system that might replace the old . For want of a better term , I call such a system a "learning system . " Such a new system does not presuppose the demise of the schools . They will always exist as the centres to which the young learners will come . However , the schools are not likely to survive many more decades as teaching centres for the young . They will be centres where , in essence , the young will learn how to think , how to learn and how to socialize and that from the first grade to the last . I do not presume to offer a blueprint of a learning system that might evolve gradually over the next decades . Nor are the notes that follow intended as prescriptions for immediate and drastic changes of the existing educational patterns . My purpose is to put forward some thoughts relating to the people ( the educators , the pupils and the students ) and the methods ( the techniques and the environment ) which might contribute to the making of a learning system . Debate , expertise , experimentation and time will have to do the rest .
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