12 th grade , about 10 per cent took physics , 7 per cent chemistry and 19 per cent biology . The percentages for physics and chemistry reveal the seriousness of the problem because these two subjects are among the basic areas , together with mathematics , for studies in technology . The table shows a substantial drop in the number of teachers in physics and chemistry and an increase in the number of biology teachers . These changes correspond to the changes in the number of pupils in the respective subjects . High school pupils are greatly influenced in their choice of tracks by perceived opportunities to use in their future careers the knowledge acquired . This may explain the preference for technological subjects ( electronics , computers ) over science tracks . In Japan , Germany and the USSR , physics is required of all students and often begins in the lower grades . The Japanese education system , with an emphasis on science and mathematics , is often cited as one factor in Japan's emergence as a technologically powerful nation . The competent authorities will have to give urgent attention to understanding the reasons for the decline in the enrolments for physics and chemistry and to seek ways and means to reverse the trend . Among the factors which would have to be so considered , apart from prospects of employment and economic considerations , would be : the competency of the science teachers , the adequacy of the laboratory equipment and the contents of the courses . ~
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