Israel in 1973 / 74 . Their report was published in 1977 . Its main findings included these : about 20 per cent of all pupil groups failed to reach even the basic minimum levels in all subjects ; in mathematics , the sciences , geography and Bible ( as regards Bi ble the findings were more favourable in the state religious schools ) on an average , 50 to 60 per cent failed to reach the "pass" level ; of these , 70 per cent were ofAfro Asian origin ; the educational gap between the European or American pupils and the Afro-Asian pupils was still disquietingly large . The situation has improved somewhat since 1973 / 74 , but the achievements , or the lack of them , still justify concern . The fol lowing examples illustrate deficiencies . A similar test was carried out in 1982 / 83 by Dr . Sorel-Kahn and Professor Bashi . It was limited to grade 3 ( age eight ) and concentrated on reading skills . The results of this test — carried out about ten years after the Minkovitch tests— did not show significant improvements . Tests in reading comprehension which were carried out in 1983 in Tel Aviv schools on grades 7 and 8 ( twelve and thirteen-yearolds ) revealed again a fairly high percentage of failure . The Centre for Educational Technology , C . E . T . for short , has in troduced computer-assisted practice and evaluation programmes in elementary and intermediate schools , mainly in so-called develop ment areas . These computer systems are known as TO AM . Before a system is set up in a school , C . E . T . carries out achievement tests in arithmetic . ( In future , achievement tests will also be carried out in other subjects . ) These tests have shown a consistently unsatis factory level of achievement . A large number of pupils are generally well below the norms set by the ministry — sometimes as much as two or three years . In 1982 , the Minister of Education set up a commission , under the chairmanship of Professor A . Dvoretzky of the Hebrew Univer sity , to enquire into the level of achievement of students entering
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