contribution to the setting up of a number of innovative educational projects . His imaginative efforts over the past ten years have also brought to Israel's higher education scene a lively new institution , Everyman's University , now enrolling some twelve thousand students per term . I had the privilege about ten years ago of spending some time in Israel to advise on the planning of Everyman's University , so I am aware of the vigor and depth of debates on education issues there . Israel has contributed powerfully to research and experimentation in the field of education , and that tradition offers hope that serious attention might be given to the line of thought in this succinct statement . Max Rowe is quite aware that his proposals create two categories of problems ; they challenge much of existing educational practice , and the changes he proposes create gaps in the educational structure that will require inventiveness to meet important needs . A major example of the latter type of problem is the reduction of the socialization role of the school as education focuses more on individualized learning as opposed to group learning . He argues cogently that the gains that are possible through more individualized learning make it worthwhile to accept the burden of finding new ways to carry out the important mission of implanting common values and mutual respect among young people of different backgrounds . There have been many enthusiasts for educational technology in the last thirty years and , in general , that technology has not realized the promises made for it . Technology has a central place in Max Rowe's thinking about education , but he has carried his analysis beyond the simplistic notions of some earlier promoters of learning by machine . In addition , he bases his suggestions for change on experimental efforts in Israel that are available for all to see and judge . Educators in Israel will do themselves a service to look at the evidence , rather than to dismiss this well organized statement as another unrealistic attack on the shortcomings of traditional practice . If an independent commission were to be appointed in Israel to examine ways by which education could better serve all segments
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