) , historian and writer ( Viennese Jewish community's administration in Nazi time ) דורון רבינוביץ ) ) , Founding Director of the Center for Jewish Studies , State U . of NY at Albany Dr . Doron Rabinovici מארק ריידר ) ) , Research Fellow in modern Jewish history , St . Anthony's College , U . of Oxford Prof . Mark A . Raider דוד רכטר ) ) , Assistant Professor , Dept . of Religious Studies , McMaster U ., Ontario Dr . David Rechter אנט יושיקו ריד ) ) , University of Florida , History of Zionism and Jewish nationalism Annette Yoshiko Reed אריה ספוזניק ) Dr . Arieh Bruce Saposnik ) , Director of the I . and J . Kaplan Centre for Jewish Studies at the U . of Cape Town מילטון שיין ) ) , independent scholar , the history and politics of France and French Jewry Prof . Milton Shain מיכאל שורקין ) ) , was Prof . of Ancient History , EHESS , France Dr . Michael Shurkin פייר וידאל–נקה ז"ל ) ) , Professor of Political Science at McGill University Pierre Vidal-Naquet הרולד מ' וולר ) ) , Director of C-H Center for Judaic Studies & Prof . of History , Wayne State University Harold M . Waller דוד ויינברג ) ) , doctoral candidate in Jewish Studies at the University of Chicago David Weinberg מליסה ויינינגר ) ) , Assistant Professor , Eastern European Jewish History / Yiddish Culture Melissa Weininger קלמן וייזר ) ) , Prof . of American Studies , Brandeis University , cultural historian KI Weiser סטיבן ג' ויטפילד ) ) , associate professor of history at Yeshiva University Stephen J . Whitfield יהושע צימרמן ) ) , Koshland Prof ., Jewish Culture & History , Director , Taube Center , Stanford U . Joshua D . Zimmerman סטיבן זיפרשטיין ) Steven Zipperstein