מפתח אישים ומקומות


TABLE OF CONTENTS 70-3 12 ce — Benjamin Isaac 1 Chapter I Jerusalem from the Great Revolt to the Reign of Constantine , Preface — Yoram Tsafrir and Shmuel Safrai _T III Jerusalem in Rabbinic Literature — Isaiah M . Gafni 35 Shmuel Safrai 15 ii the jews of jerusalem during the r 0 man period - IV The Church of Jerusalem - From 'The Church of the ClRCUMClSIO _^ TO'THE CHURCH FROM THE GENT 1 LES — ODED IRSHAI 61 V The Topography and Archaeology of Aelia Capitolina - Yoram Tsafrir 115 First VII The Coins of Aelia Capitolina - Yaakov Meshorer 181 Revolt — Benjamin Isaac 167 VI Inscriptions from Jerusalem after the First Conquest - Shmuel Safrai 239 IX Jerusalem and the Jews from Constantine to the Muslim Zeev Rubin 199 VIII Jerusalem in the Byzantine Period - An Historical Survey - Period - Yoram Tsafrir 281 XI The Topography and Archaeology of Jerusalem in the Byzantine Byzantine Period — Leah Di Segni and Yoram Tsafrir 26 1 X Ethnic Composition of the Populaton of Jerusalem in the XIII Epigraphic Remains from the Byzantine Period - Benjamin Isaac 383 Joseph Patrich 353 XII The Church of the Holy Sepulchre : History and Architecture - Byzantine Jerusalem - Guy G . Stroumsa 417 XV From Cyril to Sophronius : The Christian Literature of XIV Christian Pilgrims in the Byzantine Period - Ora Limor 391 Centuries - Bianca KOhnel 441 XVI Jerusalem in Christian Art from the Fourth to the _Seventh Maps - Yoram Tsafrir Index 495 Bibliographic Abbreviations 481 List of Illustrations 477

יד יצחק בן-צבי

לצפייה מיטבית ורציפה בכותר