The Sufis’ and Ibn al - ‘Arabī’s Attitudes Towards the Pillars of Islam 14 inward aspect of prayer is spirituality which elevates the essence of the human being and is deemed as a kind of ascension ( mi‘rāj ) to heaven . However, these notions do not diminish the value of the outward perspective of prayer which has an influence on the spiritual perspective Al - Ghazālī addresses six conditions for the implementation of prayer : 1 ) presence of the heart ( ḥuḍūr al - qalb ) ; 2 ) understanding tafahhum ) ; 3 ) exaltation of God ( ta‘ẓīm ) ; 4 ) fear of God ( hayba ) ; ( hope ( rajā’ ) and 6 ) shame ( ḥayā’ ) , two of which ( fear and ) 5 hope ) are mystical stations ( maqāmāt ) And the presence of the heart is a clear element of mysticism Ibn al - ‘Arabī regards prayer as the best object of worship al - ṣalāt khayr mawḍū‘ al - ‘ibādāt ) . Like his predecessors, he ( speaks of prayer as an intimate conversation with God and as mutual seeing by the two conversationalists Three mystical stations, patience ( ṣabr ) , thankfulness ( shukr ) and recollection of God ( dhikr ) are involved in prayer Through prayer one expresses his thankfulness to God and recollects Him . Ṣabr defined as stableness, continuity and constraint of the soul affects the two preceding stations enabling them to be a regular part of prayer Apart from the Sufi stations mentioned here as essential parts of prayer and its aims, an important target of prayer is adherence to God and abstention from committing sins In addition to the mystical ideas in Ibn al - ‘Arabī’s discussion of prayer, we find philosophical notions such as God’s being pure good, and furthermore existence as a reflection of God’s attributes means that existence is good Prayer is supplication, and the believer requests from God forgiveness, protection and guidance However, since all things are the reflection of God’s attributes, he asks refuge from the Real by the Real Thus, the Greatest Master’s conception of the unity of existence ( waḥdat al - wujūd ) is interwoven in one of the components of prayer Another element of Ibn al - ‘Arabī’s mystical philosophy is the unity of manyness aḥadiyyat al - kathra ) , which means the existence of God in each (