

Introduction 13 the difference between outward and inward perspectives proves meaningful To meet the requirements of the outward aspect, one should emulate the behavior of the Prophet and assimilate his virtues . However, this is the outward side of the belief in Muḥammad’s prophecy . In the inward realm, the Sufis should adhere to the mystical stations ( maqāmāt ) , such as fear of God khawf ) , thanks to Him ( shukr ) , and relying on Him tawakkul ) ( Only the elite among them are qualified to reach this stage According to Ibn al - ‘Arabī, God’s unity can be achieved by rational knowledge or by the Tradition . Belief in the veracity of the Prophet and hence in his message enables one to relinquish engaging in rational arguments The true believer is one who unifies God because the Qur’ān commands him to do so . The witness of faith pillar does not allow one to connect between the two parts of the witness, because God as perceived by reason is transcendent, while God as depicted in the Qur’an is immanent Our author likens Islam to a house founded on five pillars, and the witness of faith stands at the center of the house . Ibn al - ‘Arabī also refers to the numbers four ( the four words lā ilāha illā allāh ) and twelve ( the twelve letters of this formula ) and their meanings From the thirty - six Qur’ānic verses in which the first part of the shahāda occurs, Ibn al - ‘Arabī learns God’s attributes : His providence, reliance on God, the asking for help from Him, the mystical philosophical notion of God’s penetration into everything, the consideration of all parts of the cosmos as one and even the logical system of syllogism . All in all, the Greatest Master on this issue appears to be more oriented toward theology and philosophy, especially mystical philosophy, than toward mysticism Elements of mysticism and of mystical philosophy are more prominent in the discussion of prayer than in the two previous sections of ablution and witness of faith The Sufis consider prayer as a conversation with God and hence intimate nearness to Him up to the highest level of union with God or meeting Him . The

אדרא - בית להוצאת ספרים אקדמיים

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