From Lurianic Kabbalah To Hasidism 10 is the nature of this particular nation and what is the secret of its appearance on the stage of history ? Is there a solution to the continuous issue of exile and an explanation for the innumerable sufferings it entails ? Is the Messianic idea which reveals itself again and again as a force of immense vitality, capable of being realized ; and what is the price the Jews have had to pay in the past, and will have to pay in the future, for the attempt to give it a concrete historical life ? Such questions are intertwined in the movements we have just mentioned with a most complex type of theosophical and theological thought . It is in such a manner that they emerge and come to light out of the hidden layers of the most elemental experience of the People of Israel in their contacts with historical reality on the one hand, and with metaphysical reality on the other hand . This book, based on and adapted from lectures in the Broadcast University series, would have been impossible without the scholarly achievements of the late Gershom Scholem and of Professor Isaiah Tishbi, as well as those of other distinguished scholars, members of the same school . It is because of them that knowledge of the past has increased, and let us hope that because of them, our future spiritual life will be richer . Yo ra m Jac o bs o n , 1 9 8 4
