11 רוני ברבש . Lewis Brereton, Unknown, Post - Work : User : W לואיס בּררטון _ . wolny ; https : / / en . wikipedia . org / wiki / Lewis_H Brereton, ibiblio . org a collaboration of the centerforthepublicdomain . org, This media is in the public domain in the United States . This applies to U . S . Works where the copyright has expired . Frederick Browning, October 1942, War office official פרדריק בּראונין photographer, This is photograph TR 174 from the collection of Imperial War Museums, This artistic work created by the United Kingdom Government is in the public domain . סמל האוגדה Patch of the United States Army’s 101 st ה - 101 Airborne Division, 13 June 2006, Darz Mol own work, https : / / en . wikipedia . org / wiki / 101 st_ Airborne_ Division, This work has been released into the public domain by its author Darz Mol . This applies wordwide . Maxwell D . Taylor, Unknown, Defense Technical מקסוול טיילור / Information Center [ 1 ] , https : / / en . wikipedia . org / wiki Maxwell_D . _Taylor, http : / / web . archive . org / web / http : / / www . jcs . mil / cjs / history_files / / 10003116 200605 bios / taylor_bio / pdf ; Public domain, for details see 1 st Picture, Part 1 . United States Army 82 nd סמל האוגדה ה - 82 Airborne Division shoulder sleeve insignia, 20 February 2009, Dragases ( talk ) , https : / / en . wikipedia . org / wiki / 82 nd_ Airborne_Division, Picture, Part 1 . Public domain, for details see 1 st James Gavin, 7 April 2008, Unknown ; Preasumed work ג’יימס גווין : of the US Army per Commons : Deletion request / Image James M . Gavin jpg ; Original source was http : / / 508 pir . org / images / personnel / past / Gavin - Jim . jpg ; Public Picture, Part 1 . domain, for details see 1 st סמל האוגדה המוטסת הבריטית ה - 1 Coat of arms of the British airborne units, 2 November British Airborne Units . gif : Ignasi, derivative work : 2011, Amada44 ; https : / / en . wikipedia . org / wiki / 1 st_Airborne_ Division_ ( United_Kingdom ) , British_Airborne_Units / gif ; Public domain, for details see picture of Frederick Browning .
