יאיצירתו הפרשנית וההגותית של רס"ג : מפעלו של מנהיג JANES Journal of the Ancient Near Eastern Society JBLJournal of Biblical Literature JBR Journal of the Bible and its Reception JHSc Journal of Hebrew Scriptures JJS Journal of Jewish Studies JNES Journal of Near Eastern Studies JNSLJournal of Northwest Semitic Languages JPS Jewish Publication Society JQR The Jewish Quarterly Review JSIJ Jewish Studies Internet Journal JSJSup Journal for the Study of Judaism Supplements JSOTJournal for the Study of the Old Testament JSOTS Journal for the Study of the Old Testament : Supplement Series JSS Journal of Semitic Studies JTS Journal of Theological Studies KATKommentar zum Alten Testamen KBL = HALOT KHATKurzer Hand - commentar zum Alten Testament LHB / OTS Library of Hebrew Bible / Old Testament studies LSTS Library of Second Temple studies MVAG Mitteilungen der Vorderasiatischen Gesellschaft MGJVMitteilungen der Gesellschaft für jüdische Volkskunde NCBCNew Century Bible Commentary NEB New English Bible NICOTThe New International Commentary on the Old Testament NJPSNew Jewish Publication Society Version = Tanakh : A New Translation of the Holy Scriptures According to the Traditional Hebrew Text, Philadelphia 1985 NRSVThe New Revised Standard Version, New York - Oxford 1989 OBO Orbis Biblicus et Orientalis OLAOrientalia Lovaniensia Analecta OTLOld Testament Library OTS Oudtestamentische Studiën PEQ Palestine Exploration Quarterly PJ / PJB Palästina Jahrbuch, Berlin RB Revue Biblique RHPhRRevue dʼHistoire et de Philosophie Religieuses RLAReallexikon der Assyriologie רשימות קיצורים