hospitals built for the poor between the 1930 s and the 1970 s conducted atrocious experimental and surgical procedures in humans , primarily indigenous young girls and children – a fact which remained little known . Doctors would sit and watch the abusive " surgeries " and painful acts of “ sewing " performed by their colleagues on the bleeding body without su ff ering any pangs of guilt . The photograph Fringe depicts a young woman lying on her left side , her bare back crossed by a diagonal which cuts the spine with a brutal , crude stitch . Every insertion of the needle and white thread into her skin creates a stitch , and the meticulous repetition of the act produces an embroidery of skin protrusions extending from the middle of the right shoulder to the lower left area of the back . From each such stitch split white threads cut in di ff erent lengths ; some remain unraveled on the woman ’ s back , but most of them have been threaded with small red beads , creating a cascade of red lines across the entire left side of the back which looks like running blood . This is what sinister beauty looks like . ✦ רבקה בלמור , אחותי , , 2010 הזרקת דיו צבעונית על שקפים , 213 . 4 ש 365 . 8 באדיבות האמנית תצלום : קרייג בויקו Rebecca Belmore , Sister , 2010 , color ink - jet on transparencies , 213 . 4 ש 365 . 8 Courtesy of the artist Photo : Craig Boyko