As for his friendliness with regard to Haj Amin , it is very natural , for it alone will win him great popularity in Lebanon . In addition helping Haj Amin is an overwhelming need and he adds that the English do not regard Haj Amin with a hostile eye at all and picturing him as a man who collaborates with France and with them is without foundation . I am convinced that it is unnecessary to make the situation worse between Riyad Bey and us . I have no doubts about him and it would be pure imagination to believe that he is satisfied with France when in reality he is playing the role he told me about himself . I trust him . May 16 , 1947 The President of the Council Jamil Mardam Bey Registered in the Syrian Ministry of Foreign Affairs No 2843 – Political reports 14 . Armanazi to Mardam , May 28 , 1947 Top secret The Syrian Ministry of Foreign Affairs , Damascus Supporting General Clayton is something which surpasses the imagination ; the British Ministry of Foreign Affairs has been completely forced into accepting him because the Intelligence Services have categorically refused to remove him from Egypt and have given him carte blanche to direct the vast program he aims to complete . In my enquiries I have arrived at the conclusion that General Clayton is busy acting in two directions , the first being the plan for Greater Syria and the second attaching Libya to the British Government through one procedure or another . The plan for Greater Syria , as General Spears sees it , is now up for discussion more than at any time in the past and he is persuaded that it is possible to reach a reasonable settlement between us and King Abdullah . Do you want him to intervene quickly before his intervention becomes useless ? Please give me your answer quickly . May 28 , 1947 The Minister Najib al - Armanazi Registered in the Syrian Ministry of Foreign Affairs No 2873 – Political reports 15 . Intelligence Report by the French Military Attach é in Beirut , May 11 , 1948 French Legation in Lebanon Beirut , May 11 , 1948 Military , Naval and Air Attach é Intelligence Report no . 68 It appears that the resolve of the Arab states regarding the struggle over Palestine has grown stronger over the last few days . They have suddenly realized their considerable loss of prestige in the entire world if they abandon Palestine to the Jewish enterprise after so much ranting . They would prefer risking a military defeat rather than inaction , which they consider to be a disgrace . All the states have decided on an extensive military effort with quick and massive action , whatever the price , against the Jewish State itself , hoping that a sudden and violent strike , using all the means available to the Arabs , would lead to a favorable outcome before the Jews , under vigorous attack in the vital areas of their territory , would have time to rally and organize themselves .