Eating Everything , was created in collaboration with recording artist Santigold . The 8-minute video is truly fascinating : a strange female creature with the head of an attractive African woman and Medusa-like hair , is seen dragging an enormous body made of garbage , adorned with gaudy decorations , and the two ֳ oat in space in slow motion , as if they were a bizarre planet ( part of the work may be viewed on YouTube ) . Like all of her works , this video orchestrates a magical blend at once fascinating and threatening , beautiful and ugly , high and low . The soundtrack , also created by Mutu , fuses industrial and organic sounds . In another , short video , Mutu , dressed in white , her back to the viewer , walks into the sea . The video is accompanied by nostalgic music , the 1772 hymn Amazing Grace written by John Newton , an 18 th century slave trader who became a priest and fought against slavery . The title , From the sea we came and to the sea we will return , is a reference to the slave trade that brought the African slaves across the sea to Europe and the USA . Mutu's narrative titles are reminiscent of mythical fables : The Bride who Married a Camel's Head , Le Noble Savage , Riding Death in My Sleep , Root of All Eves , and the aforementioned Once upon a time she said , I'm not afraid and her enemies became afraid of her The End . All in all , Mutu's oeuvre introduces an intriguing melange of the strange and the bizarre , the high and the low , the menacing and the magical , offering , indeed , a fantastic journey . "Wangechi Mutu : A Fantastic Journey" was curated and organized by Trevor Schoonmaker , the Patsy R . and Raymond D . Nasher Curator of Contemporary Art at the Nasher Museum of Art at Duke University , Durham , NC Wangechi Mutu , Funkalicious Fruit Field , 2007 , ink , paint , mixed media , plastic pearls , and collage on Mylar , 467 x 269 Collection of Glenn Scott Wright , London 467 x 269 , רליימ לע 'זאלוקו קיטסלפ ינינפ , תברועמ הקינכט , עבצ , ויד , 2007 , Funkalicious Fruit Field , וטומ י'צגנוו ןודנול , טייר טוקס ןלג ףסוא