Abraham ibn Ezra ( d . ca . 1 167 ) was a prolific author in the 1 Hebrew grammar . He wrote several grammars and works grammatical nature on Hebrew { Sefer ha-Moznayim , Sefer ha-Sefat Yeter , Sefer Sahot , Sefer Yesod ha-Mispar ) . Moreover , he grammatical treatments in some other works of his { Haqdama Pentateuchal commentary , Sefer ha-Shem [ chaps . 1-3 and 7-8 )] Yesod Mora [ chap . 1 1 ]) . Important works for the history of Abbreviations : BavBat : Baba Batra Be ' ur . "Be ' ur hidat ha-Ra ba' \ in Beth Talmud ! ( 1882 ) 179-183 . HGHE : C . Del Valle , Hislorin cle In gramdlica hebrea en Espana . Madrid , 2002 . Pemslr . Ibn 'Ezra . Perushe ha-Tora le- Rabbcmi Abraham Ibn Ezra . Ed . Wiezer . Jerusalem , 1977 . Rosin : D . Rosin , "Reime und Gedichte des Abraham Ibn Esra " , in des juedisch - theologischen Seminars Fracnkclscher Stiftung . 211-214 . Sabot : Sefer Sahot de Abraham Ibn Ezra . Ed . C . Del Valle . Salamanca SB : Safu Berura . Ed . G . H . Lippmann . Fuerth , 1...
אל הספר