
This volume deals with the interactions between Judaism– specifically , Jewish Law—and human rights . The concept of human rights has a number of meanings . This book seeks to adopt an approach that recognizes that human rights , from an analytical standpoint , are , in effect , a mediating factor between values and obligations , or from a cultural one , a particular mode of expression of a value system that underpins these rights . Judaism is multifaceted . This study focuses on its normative appearance–in Jewish Law ) halakhah ( . The argument is that halakhic discourse is characterized by a value system that has an impact on the decisions made within its framework as well as on its nature and design . While , at times , this influence expresses itself openly , it is generally communicated in a concealed manner , affecting the interpretive process . On the hidden , sometimes indirect , level , Judaism and human rights share a broad common denominator , which is manifested in the root...  אל הספר
המכון הישראלי לדמוקרטיה ע"ר