large installations that fill the two separate Rubenstein Gallery on 23 rd and 24 th district . These structural ruins , to quote Cohen , are "frozen instants of failure . " "For these soaring , ambitious structures which attracts me . I like to explore what happens to impossible missions that humans set up for themselves , as they try time and again to conquer the impossible . " The gutted towers , the meltdown complex architectural structures presented in the gallery are mesmerizing . Al-Hadid's artistic debris , expressing ever so eloquently the failure of lofty ambitions , achieves a high-end complex structure . Her artistic debris comfortably combines the mythical metaphorical structures of the tower and the labyrinth of long ago , images eternally interred deep in the human psyche , along with the current prototype of the tragic fall of the Twin Towers . One of the installations , Reverse Collider , alludes to another ambitious structure aiming at the impossible — the world's lar...
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