( Director : Lisa Phillips ; architects : Kazuyo Sejima and Ryue Nishizawa ) This time not in the museum district uptown , but rather in Lower Manhattan , thus filling the gap in modern museums in the area , created when the Guggenheim S 0 H 0 became a Prada outlet Rivka Rass What should be the relationship between the museum building and the art it houses ? This question has haunted Frank Lloyd Wright ' s Guggenheim Museum , an art work in its own right , since its inauguration in 1959 . Many , mostly artists , criticized Wright for creating a museum environment that overpowered the art inside . Reality has dictated the answer : the architects have won , and no doubt dissertations will be written on the influence and reciprocal relationship between architecture and art of our time . An increasing number of splendid museums - each more innovative than its predecessor - are being built the world over , attracting more and more visitors . Long lines stretching in front of museums have be...
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