role in the lives of my family , their lives and creations , contrary , were very significant in my work . " We shall in look into his "chaste and prudent " relations with the sex . writes bluntly about his erotic feelings for the girls he before Bella in My Own World . He was attracted to girls , even succeeded in gaining their attention , "But of all the I couldn't get anything useful for myself" In each he had to settle for a kiss at the most . "I don't know what on with me , where did my daring disappear . I was a totally NoNoI scared to death bher bursting " Summing up his "love affairs" he writes : "Except for encounter [ with Bella ] , I combined in my imagination the dreams that took me nowhere , for I was a terrible coward . " Chagall arrived in Paris , where he wrote very sensually his first encounter with this new and very exciting world : into the heart of French painting in 1910 . I clutched its body . " Using similar imagery , he related : " Later , the femme came and I d...
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