OSIMAT \ I once took the bus . It was a summer day . In the mirror above the driver ' s head I saw tanned leg swaying . It had a white sandal on , like my sandals which were very popular the time . Suddenly I realized that it was my own leg swaying in the driver ' s mirror . I tried to observe it once again from a distance , but the sight vanished and I retreated to myself straightened my leg , and the sandal was gone . Rachel Hirsch has been photographing my works persistently . I see the photographs and cannot recognize myself . She chooses details that I have never seen , creating compositions and perspectives that give me a different , ostensibly objective observation . The photographs are replete with movement , yet fixed . I cannot "straighten my leg . " Whose work is it ? If I paint someone ' s portrait - whose work is it ? This is not a question property , but one of ownership , a parental relation . As someone who operates within bounds of a given space , as an installation ar...
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