
The thirty studies published in this collection were written by Abraham Tal's teachers , students , and friends on the occasion of his seventieth birthday . These articles reflect , to a great extent , Professor Tal ' s own scholarly biography and the wide sweep of his learning and interest . This volume comprises research in many fields : Hebrew , Aramaic , the world of the Bible , and , first and foremost , Samaritan studies , the field in which Abraham Tal is among the most prominent exponents in Israel and around the world . It would be premature to offer a summation of his work , for this volume honors someone still actively applying the full measure of his strength and acumen to those manifold areas of study in which he has been active all his professional life . It will suffice to bring but one example : the Biblia Hebraica Quinta , the Genesis volume of which edited by Abraham Tal , will soon appear . Tal's scholarly work rests squarely on two pillars of learning and erudition ...  אל הספר
מוסד ביאליק