Paul Stenhouse 1 Introduction Even if he had not explained the circumstances under which he came write his summary of Samaritan History in 756 A . H . [ 1355 A . D . ] , knowledge of the social and economic conditions in the time of 2 Abu ' 1-Fath would give us reasonable grounds for conjecture . 3 The Crusaders - The "Franks " - had been driven off the mainland of Syria ( as it then was ) barely 60 years before , in 1291 , 4 when the Mamluk army of Egypt captured Akko . With the fall of island of Arwad 11 years later - in 1302 - the last bastion of the 5 Crusaders in Syria was taken . The solitary explicit mention of the Crusaders in the AF Chronicle , in the context of the Synagogue that Baba Rabbah built 6 facing the Holy Mountain " , says simply that the Samaritans kept going there " until the Franks ruled - may God curse them " : jjl Jl 11 »([ .. ! iJI Ijll . j ^ j
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