
Psychoanalytical and functional approaches to consulting : A bifocal perspective Na’ama Gruenwald–Kashany Two theoretical components of consulting are presented at the beginning of this article . The first relates to how success is evaluated in the context of the consulting process and to the criteria this evaluation is based on . This section includes a discussion of the question of loyalty : is the consultant ‘ s loyalty directed at the organization or at the consultee ? The second component relates to the practice of consultancy and more specifically to the interventional tools in the consulting process . In the second part of the article , two schools of thought are presented , namely , psychoanalysis and coaching . A psychoanalytic approach to consulting focuses attention on the motives , feelings and psychological defenses of the individual and the organization . The consultant working with this approach would be committed to helping the consultee and not the organization . Succe...  אל הספר
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