( PRESS CODE ) PUBLICISTIC PRINCIPLES version of 23 February 1994 . Again updated in 1999 ( guideline W . Heinemann on 12 December 1973 in Bonn . Last updated press associations and presented to Federal President Dr . Gustav Drawn up by the German Press Council in collaboration with the ability and belief and must not allow their work to be influenced They must perform their publicistic duties to the best of their general public and their duty to uphold the prestige of the press . remain constantly aware of their responsibility towards the Publishers , editors and journalists pursuing their profession must freedom of information , expression of opinion and criticism . Federal Republic of Germany embraces independence and The freedom of the press guaranteed in the Basic Law of the 4 . 2 ) . sional ethics ; they do not constitute grounds for legal liability . These publicistic principles are designed to preserve profes- by personal interests or extraneous motives . ARTICLE 1 significance...
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