JOSEPH TABORY A . Introduction to God for not having been created as a gentile , as a slave , or as a woman . and one ' s position in the world . These blessings are an expression of gratitude blessings which may be described as an attempt to create an awareness of self For many generations Jewish liturgy has included three benedictions or mostly I am grateful to Judy Tabory who , besides reading this paper , has increased my Sered , Dr . Zvi Stone , my brothers , Rabbi Benjamin Tabory and Dr . Ephraim Tabory . But offered helpful comments : Prof . Shaye J . D . Cohen , Prof . Moshe Hallamish , Prof . Susan Jerusalem in 1997 . I am grateful to the following people who have read this paper and ? This article is based on a lecture given at the World Congress for Jewish Studies held in . awarenessof the issues involved is used in biblical Hebrew in the sense of , גוי and Abraham was 1 The Hebrew word used in this context , גוי It is only in rabbinic Hebrew that the word is used in "nation...
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