הערות לפרק הראשון . Augustinus , Retr . 1 , 13 1 מצוטט אצל Ethnological Society of London , N . S ., V , p . 231 Sir S . Baker , 'The Races of the Nile Basin ' , Transactions of the 3 F . B . Jevons , An Introduction to the History of Religion , p . 206 2 on Language , Mythology and Religion , I , p . 5 F . M . Miiller , Selected Essays A . E . Crawley , The Mystic Rose , I , pp . 134-135 6 A . M . Hocart , 'Mana ' , Man , p . 46 5 E . B . Tylor , Primitive Culture , 1 , pp . 423-424 4 ר . A . A . Goldenweiser , Early Civilization , pp . 282 ff . 9 H . Spencer , The Principlesof Sociology , I , p . 106 8 B . Malinowsky , Crime and Custom in Savage Society , p . 126 ראה גם את מאמרו A . Lang , The Makingof Religion , p . 294 12 E . E . Evans- Pritchard , 'Religion and the Anthropologist ' , Blackfriars 11 H . Bergson , The Two Sourcesof Mortalityand Religion , p . 103 10 XX 'Form and Content in Totemism ' , American Anthropologist , N . S . הערות לפרק השני Ch . R . de Brosses , Du Culte ...
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